Profit Doctrine's mission is to provide a real-time look at building wealth through entrepreneurship, training & expanding a virtual business education, while utilizing tools and technologies that make it happen. ProfitDoctrine is combining continual learning and technology to deliver digital education and information products and services, empowering others with the access to the Internet the opportunity to create & prosper with a web-based business.
BUSINESS STRATEGYStrategy is a misunderstood concept in business in the internet marketing industry, whereas, some marketers are so focused on churn and burn practices rather than building a for sustainable growth. Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term. The long-term view aims to achieve strategic advantage for the business through the arrangement of resources within its environment, and to meet market demand and stakeholder expectations.
Strategy for Internet Marketers is about:
Direction: Where is the business to go in the long-term? Market/Scope: Which market should the business compete in? What are the activities involved in that market? Advantages: Can the business outperform the competition within that market? Resources: What skills, technologies, assets, financing, relations are necessary to compete? Environment: Are there any environmental factors that will affect the ability to compete? Stakeholders: What values and expectations are the standard within that business?Strategy at Different Levels of a Business
As Internet marketers, there are multiple levels of strategies that should be examined within your business.
Many Internet marketers may not look at "Corporate Strategy" that much, given the structure of many online businesses, and work from home businesses. However, when looking at the corporate strategy framework, marketers need to assess their "brand," and the overall purpose and scope of the business to meet stakeholder expectations. Many marketers brand their products and business to their own name. This can be sometimes a mistake, where, the business will lack a proper exit strategy in the long term. Additionally, many marketers with the churn and burn philosophy could end up burning out their personal brand and may not be able to navigate from effectively from one niche area to another due to lack of trust.
Business Unit Strategy: This is dealing with how a business participates and competes in a specific market. It's the business unit that's concerned with product choice, customer support, competitive advantage and developing new opportunities. For example, as Internet Marketers, business units may involve structures that include: 1.) Affiliate Marketing, 2.) Off-Line Consulting, and 3.) Subscription Memberships as 3 unique and different business units.
Operational Strategy: This deals with the systems and processes in place on how internet marketers actually run the business on a daily basis. This is a focal point of many internet marketers who tend to focus on trying to outsource 99% of their operations. One issue however, is not realizing the costs on that strategy, whereas, overhead can be a major factor that could jeopardize growth. Operational strategy focuses on people, processes, and resources.
ProfitDoctrine is committed to delivering solid business insights, analysis and innovative products to the web. The Doctrines editorial mission is to break down the hype around product launches, and Internet marketing, provide a near real-time look into the goals, implementation and execution of business initiatives and engage and explain to the ProfitDoctrine readers and members' real-time results and future implications of growing an online business from home.
Team Doctrine spots the trends and applies an investigative journalism approach to Trends in the Internet marketing industry. Readers will receive a classroom lab perspective as Profit Doctrine will deliver insights on to practical business applications taking place with the business. The Profit Doctrine audience who opt to become Premium Associate members will receive a high-level & informed analysis that is transparent, informational, and readers will takeaway great insights of what's really working in an online business.
A Community of Readers
Profit Doctrine aims to foster an interactive community, engaging in dialogue, feedback, and quick response through comments, events, one-on-one chats, and even through live video audiences. Building a loyal community is essential to the ProfitDoctrine values, where conversations lead to action and change. Loyal readers of Profit Doctrine – business owners, online entrepreneurs, early adopters and people who seek to start an online business – are all what makes a success.
STRATEGIC STRUCTURE OF PROFITDOCTRINE.COM PROFIT PULSEArmed with creative ideas, innovation, business and marketing expertise, Profit Doctrine offers the highest quality of content across its digital publishing framework. provides insights into the pulse of the internet marketing industry, analyzing trends, providing up to date news and events, giving a real-time look at technology & business and its impact within the Internet Marketing industry.
The Profit Pulse section of the site will feature the "Daily Doctrine" – getting a look at the Top 10 trends, tools, and insights happening in the Internet Marketing industry. Also, Profit Doctrine Associate readers will be able to view new developments, get the scoop on industry events, and stay ahead of the curve with the latest trends happening at as well as in the Internet Marketing industry.
PROFIT LABProfit Doctrine is a leading new media blog, known for providing timely, in-depth news and analysis, product reviews, and a transparent review behind the scenes of an active and engaging work from home operation. Readers of the Profit Lab will receive insights on "Successful Methods" – strategies that have previously been implemented where readers can take back and implement in their own businesses. Weekly, a review of various marketing strategies that were conducted is published so that readers can stay up to date and get a transparent look at our marketing activities. ProfitDoctrine Associate members will get a look at the Internet Lifestyle, as well as Weekly Income Reviews. Readers will also receive Product Launch Reports – a series of reports that will outline the details of the latest Profit Doctrine product launch.
PREMIUM ASSOCIATESAt, visitors who come to our site are readers who want to engage in quality insights, analysis and transparent information. Profit Doctrine also offers associates Premium Membership, which provides actionable insights, real-time analysis, case studies, and a Learning Center where Premium Associate members receive access to advanced courses, specialized training, study guides, and monthly behind the scenes examination of business operations and finances. Premium Associates will get to see revenue generation, and the evolution of an online business right before their eyes. Together, Premium Associate members, and Profit Doctrine grows together learning, earning, and building brighter futures.
Case Studies Product Doctrine Product Launch Reviews Monthly Income Report Detailed, behind the scenes look of income generated on a monthly basis, along with an executive summary and analysis. Learning Center Premium Reports Associate Members for "what's working now" info Courses for Associate Members for On-Demand business training Step by Step Study Guides for easy implementation & strategy Great ResearchA continuous flow of high-value research reports from Team Profit Doctrine In-Depth Analysis
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Team Profit Doctrine is informed and experience entrepreneurs with an education in strategic information technology, finance, international communications, and marketing. The team behind has a proven track record of business development, running operations, and start-up marketing experiences.
WEEKLY DOCTRINEThe Weekly Doctrine is the premier Profit Doctrine news letter. Readers will receive weekly lessons spanning product development, membership sites, internet marketing strategies, search engine optimization, and much more. This is a totally free e-mail newsletter that offers the Profit Doctrine training methodology. Through the Weekly Doctrine, subscribers will get to learn at their own pace, and receive the information they need right to their email inbox. aims to reach entrepreneurs around the world to develop and implement Internet Marketing strategies to generate an income online. Profit Doctrine seeks to teach not only people interested in starting an online business, but also help existing small business entrepreneurs and corporate enterprises take their business to the next level.