When you spend many hours a day behind your computer, anything that will help shave time off and round corners is a necessity in your daily online routines. When starting out, a lot of these tools come across as too confusing and time consuming to be even worth a second glance.
Getting your business up and going by writing and submitting articles, running PPC campaigns, list swapping and building seems more important than messing around with learning to use the free online tools.
Don't let this mindset hold you back from a lot of free resources that will help you automate and simplify your business in the long run. What you will find here is a list of my most effective internet marketing tools that will help you bring your marketing efforts to the next level:
1.) Free Google Tools:
- Google Reader- A RSS Feed Reader that delivers content from feeds you subscribe to the moment it is published.
- Google Alerts- this tool alerts you when a keyword you are monitoring has new content available.
- Google Analytics- A tool that tracks your site's number of visitors. A must have internet marketing tool if you own a site and it's FREE!
- Google Docs- A great resource to save any documents online.
- Google Trends- A tool that shows a search volume for a given period. Another great FREE tool!
- Google Webmaster- A tool to run diagnostics to your set; set www or non www preferences and more.
- Google Website Optimizer- A great tool to split test your sales pages, splash pages or any pages at all to split test.
- Google Keyword Tool- A great FREE tool that is an essential starting point when searching for keywords and niches.
- Google AdWords Editor- A tool for PPC marketers to manage your ad campaigns.
- Google Insights-A great tool to help you compare the search volume for different keywords. This tool will help you narrow down the best keyword to go after.
2.) Free HTML Editor
- NVU- 100% free editor that I've come to rely on often to build and edit my web pages.
- Page Breeze- Another must have affiliate marketing tool that covers all WYSIWYG editing basics for your web pages.
3.) Free Image Editors- Ever need to do a quick resize, crop, or adjust an image, these two tools are free and easy to use.
- Gimp
- Picnik
4.) Roboform- A great tool and time saver for the marketers that have multiple logins and passwords for different websites. This tool saves all of your login details for different sites on a toolbar at the top of your browser. Just pull down the menu, select the page you want to login and the tool redirects you to the page and automatically logs you in!
5.) FTP Software- When it comes to uploading files from your computer to the internet, you will need to download an easy to use FTP software. Here are three that come highly recommended.
- SmartFTP
- Core FTP Lite
- Filezilla
6.) Zamzar- A tool I frequently use to convert files from one format into another. There are many service options available, but the free version is more than sufficient for what you need it for. Great for converting to PDF or a gif to jpeg.
7.) Free Online Keyword and Trends Tool- When researching keywords or determining a niche, more times than not you refer to a free online tool to help you find what people are buying online and what keywords to target. Here is a list of free online resources that I continuously use for niche and keyword research:
- Word Pot
- Free Keywords
- Trend Watching
- Yahoo Buzz
- SEOBook
- Freekeywords.com
- Good Keywords
- Keyword Manager from Revenue Wire
- SEO Chat Tool
- Blog Pulse
- IWeb Tool
8.) Gigasize- A free tool that allows you to share large files that are usually too big to send through your email.
9.) Free Tools in cPanel/Fantastico- A resource that is often overlooked. For example, in cPanel, there are PHPforms that you can use to create your own free website forms. Use it for surveying, questionnaire, feedback, contact forms, or JV request forms and upload to your WordPress blog or website.
10.) PDF Creator- A free tool that almost duplicates many applications in Microsoft Office such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and creating PDF's. If you don't want to spend the cash on the latest Microsoft Office, this site has many applications to do the job.
11.) Pic Resize- A free web based image resize tool that allows you to upload an image and choose the size you want the image to be. Great for resizing images for your website or eBook.
12.) Social Bookmarking services- A free social bookmarking service that allows you to bookmark your sites across loads of different services with one quick and easy click. Here are two great Social Bookmarking services:
- Onlywire Bookmarklet
- Social Marker
13.) Copyscape- A tool I use often to make sure any content from my blog posts and articles have not been stolen or duplicated somewhere else online. Although I am not sure what exactly you should do if you find your content has been stolen or duplicated, but this tool does come in handy for checking.
14.) Content Recording Software- Whether you are recording another video to post on your blog or a product review in Power Point, these free online services are great for recording and getting your message out:
- Camstudio
- Camtasia 3
- Jing
15.) Gauge the demand- These two websites are great to check and see what products people are actively searching for and what is being bought on the internet. Great for niche research.
- eBay Pulse
- Shopping.com
- Top Selling Products on ClickBank
16.) Mailinator- A great tool to use when you don't want to give out your e-mail address at a squeeze page just to see what the offer is. This tool will help you get through a squeeze page without giving your e-mail away.
17.) Thesaurus.com- A great tool to use online when you come to a brain freeze when writing an article or a sales copy. Use this tool to find many alternatives for the word you type in.
18.) YahooBackLinkCheckerTool- Is a tool to check out the number of backlinks a site has. Great for checking to see who is linking to your site.
19.) Alexa- A free tool that shows the amount of traffic a site is getting.
20.) Big Board- A great resource for any marketer interested in blog marketing. Big Board is a free directory that lists the busiest forums for many niches. This site has a lot of great features besides searching different niches in one place; you can also filter the results by number of members, posts, and traffic.
All online resources and tools shave time off of the many tedious tasks that we do day to day and have helped many marketers get to the next level and are some of the most effective Internet Marketing tools available
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