Marketing mix decisions generally are discussed according to how a business is going to be able to operate within their target market procedures. The four terms that are most often mentioned when applicable to that company's marketing mix plans are: {product} {price} {place} {promotion}
The ingredients often added for polishing a normal large corporation's marketing mix include product planning, pricing, branding, distribution channels, personal selling, advertising, promotions, packaging, display, servicing, physical handling, and fact finding and analysis. When a company decides how best to target the demographic that will reach their ideal customer base, they will mix and match all of the previous terms. Some have to use all terms from product planning to physical handling. WeZigg and iZigg have designed a marketing mix that is far less complicated than standard marketing mix strategies.
As the mobile media market begins to skyrocket, WeZigg and iZigg will have the edge on the competition by simplifying their strategies. There is no physical handling of any product. Mobile media marketing mix strategy is shortened for the benefit of the end customer, therefore any business owner will be able to understand why his or her advertising budget will be lowered by the iZigg brand utilized for text message marketing. There is also no servicing, packaging, branding, or display with the product that iZigg is about to launch.
By incorporating the most popular short code into their marketing mix plan, iZigg will certainly become the foremost worldwide leader in the mobile media industry. "90210" is the product clincher. Other companies have tried to duplicate the marketing mix strategies that iZigg will bring to the mobile media market, however the strategies that iZigg brings to the table have not been implemented. The product stands alone. The price range for all packages that iZigg will provide will not be touched either because the short code "90210" cannot be duplicated. It is hands down the most recognized short code on the planet. The place will be a worldwide market. The promotion side of the marketing mix will be self explanatory.
-T. R. Cosby
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