Over the last four years in the MLM industry, I've had hundreds of people contact me and ask what network marketing tools I use to promote my mlm opportunity. Frequently the questions relate specifically to automation tools
Rather than rattling off a big list of software products I usually answer with a question asking what systems the person has in place. You see while there are a host of very powerful network marketing tools available online, using them will do very little to improve your recruiting and product sales if you do not have the correct marketing systems in place to maximise their potential.
The aim of this article then is to give you the correct network marketing tools information so you can position yourself for success, regardless of which mlm business you are in.
Is This You?
If your the typical network marketer you are probably listening to your up line and working like crazy advertising ubiquitously in an attempt to drive potential buyers to your generic company capture page or product sales site. In fact your company may have provided you with some awesome lookig marketing tools including a series of capture pages, an auto responder system and advertising resources to help you succeed. In most cases they are probably also providing you with webinar training on how and where to advertise the opportunity. In fact you're probably reading this article looking for the best new network marketing tools to explode your business. Unfortunately the tools your company gave you will not produce the type of sales you are looking for.
The fact is there are literally thousands of MLM reps doing the same as what your doing and their results are the same. 95% of people who view your MLM will say no. What do your result say 97% of people who attempt network marketing crash with most people making less that 0 a month. But don't panic yet because with the right system and the right tools you can do well and easily become a top producer in your mlm business.
So What Network Marketing Tools Are Essential For Success?
To achieve success in any MLM you have to create massive traffic and make money from the 95% of people who are not interested in your opportunity.This is what 7 figure income earners do to finance their business marketing This is the tool kit that I use to personally generate over 50 MLM leads a day and sign up at least 4 people into my primary MLM business every week. In fact its the same tool kit that is used by every 6 and 7 figure a month MLm earner I know.
MLM Tool 1: Your own website not the generic sales pages given to you by your MLM This is vital to your MLM success. People searching to join MLM companies follow people. They team up with mlm experts who can provide them with the knowledge and skills to succeed Your personal website should therefore be a sign of your expert position and offer valuable knowledge and marketing training It must also capture visitors and lead them right down a funnel to where they will see your MLM opportunity.
MLM Tool 2: Your Own Auto Responder System. Please take note that even if your MLM opportunity provides you with an auto responder, you do not own it; therefore if you leave the company you also leave your list.Also some MLM companies place restrictions on use. You need to own your list and provide them with excellent value. The money is in the list and by using your own auto responder to automatically build rapport and trust with your prospects you can monetise them several times over.
MLM Tool 3: The Funded Proposal Or Affiliate Products. I actually use 20 different Funded Proposals. Through your information and training you can introduce your list to useful tools and services you use and earn commissions. This puts instant cash in your account while you multiply your MLM business. Don't spend your own money to finance your marketing because that's the fastest way to go broke.
Advanced Network Marketing Tools. There are a host of remarkable tools i personally use to automate my marketing efforts and leverage time, but you need a system first . If your keen to learn what I use,keep an eye out for my next article, Network Marketing Tools – Advanced Tools To Automate Your Marketing.
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