The Changing Face of Email

RSS feeds are one of the newest and most popular trends penetrating email services. Web based email providers like Gmail, Yahoo! and Goowy allow you to customize your homepage with news and information that interests you. If you’re a sports fan you can get the latest scores with ESPN or if you are a news junkie you can get feeds from all the major broadcasters like MSNBC, CNN and FOX.

RSS feeds are like newsletters. These are live feeds from your favorite web sites sent directly to your email homepage. No longer do you have to go to your favorite websites every morning to get the latest updates about your favorite topics, now they come to you.

RSS or “Really Simple Syndication” is a file format that is incorporated by Internet users into their websites that allow for ‘web syndication,’ making their web content available in a format that can be universally understood by other people. You simply place the RSS code onto your email homepage. In most cases the email provider reduces complications by allowing you to press a button and automatically streaming the service to your email homepage, you never have to see complicated Internet code.

Email used to be a simple program for correspondence between friends, family and co–workers. Not anymore. Email has become the one–stop–shop for our every day needs. We can stay up–to–date with news, entertainment, sports and weather without ever signing out.

In the past it was only technology companies that provided RSS feeds. With the growing popularity of customized web services, just about every major news, sports and entertainment site provides feeds. The advantage of using RSS feeds is your inbox is no longer cluttered with newsletter subscriptions or useless updates. Many enjoy these feeds as opposed to traditional email newsletters because they do not include spam, and you are not providing your email address to complete strangers.

Since RSS feeds are a relatively new phenomenon to the general public there is considerable debate as to their future Some see the demise of email while others believe RSS will only enhance the benefits of good old–fashioned email. However, much of the technical and lament world agree that RSS is only going to gain in popularity.

Not all email services offer RSS feeds. To see which services offer RSS feeds, access to your social networking sites and customization options, be sure to take a look at our side-by-side reviews of leading free email services.


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