by mrshawnliu
Does your down-line resemble your family tree?
Is your network marketing business nothing short of a cash sucking machine?
Are you trapped in the same old routine using traditional network marketing methods taught to you by your up-line years ago?
Do you spend endless hour's cold calling strangers, hounding and harassing your friends and family?
Have you wasted valuable, precious time in an attempt to prevent your down-line from giving up and quitting?
If that creepy and crappy situation resembles your Network Marketing business experience, then you've come to the right placeâ¦.because I have a solution for you!
At one time, my network marketing experience was as bleak as yours. I felt as discouraged as you almost certainly do right now. I spent a lot of my time and energy running around in circles without any real strategy or business plan. I would lie awake at night and wonder what I could possibly do different, to produce a profitable outcome. I couldn't sponsor a new distributor if I my life depended on it. My self esteem and my bank account dropped faster than the Tower of Terror hotel elevator. Â I felt as though I had joined a network marketing business opportunity...completely alone. Old school Network Marketing methods left me feeling inept, incompetent, a nuisance and completely useless. It "devalued" me, in the eyes of my peers and the people closest to me.
That is the really bad newsâ¦
The really good news isâ¦Someone grabbed my arm at the exact moment I decided to use the Brooklyn Bridge as a diving board!
No, really. I refused to let it break me...or my intense desire to succeed!
One day I accidentally stumbled upon a fool proof solution that completely turned my network marketing career and experiences into something I can be completely proud of. The only thing that keeps me awake at night now, is the light bulb that finally went on in my head!
Old School Network Marketing techniques just don't belong in today's modern world. Most people refuse to be pestered.
According to the Ad council, the average person is being advertised to at least 6,000 times per day! Many of these advertising portals have been intentionally blocked using today's modern technology, including An Act of Congress! Examples include TiVo, Sirius Satellite Radio, Spam Blockers, The Do Not Call Registry (created by Congress), and the list goes on. The traditional Network Marketing methods of intruding on people's privacy, just won't "fly" in today's Network Marketing modern day and age.
With Internet Network Marketing, you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own peaceful home.
Internet Network Marketing positions you as a leader and allows potential Internet Network Marketing prospects to approach you first. You become the "hunted," instead of the "hunter."
With Internet Network Marketing, home meetings and hotel meetings are a thing of the past. They just don't exist in an Internet Network Marketing business. They don't exist, becausethey are not needed.
Think about it. The reason you join a Network Marketing company is to work less and to make a lot of moneyâ¦Right?  If you really wanted to make more work for yourself, wouldn't you have just stayed in your arduous, exhausting, spirit stealing, and life sucking Corporate America J-O-B?
The bottom line is, the times have changed, and we have to change with them! The Internet is quickly creating successful Internet Network Marketing Millionaires and Entrepreneurs at a rapid pace. Internet Network Marketers don't go out and spend their cash on worthless Cd's, fliers and boring audio tapes. After all, this useless garbage only teaches you why you should become a Millionaire. Internet Network Marketers don't attend uncomfortable home meetings or painful hotel parties. Internet Network Marketers don't track people down in an attempt to sell or "share" their company's product or business plan. As a matter of fact Internet Network Marketing folks spend most of their free time doing the things they love to do.
Internet Network Marketers invest in themselvesâ¦not in worthless media and fliers. They educate themselves through other successful Internet Network Marketers, Social Media, Relationship Building and Internet Network Marketing Training Programs. They learn how to become a Millionaire.
Successful Internet Network Marketers work With people, not At people.
Successful Internet Network Marketers work On their business, not In their business.
I don't spend a single dime on any of the training junk I use to buy to sell my Network Marketing business products and financial plan. I don't run around the city hunting down anyone with a pulse. I don't have to. As a matter of fact, most days I just work on my Internet Network Marketing business from wherever I choose to charter off to, or at whatever location I spontaneously end up at. If there's a computer and a telephone around...I can make money.
Life is great and my Internet Network Marketing career is growing faster and bigger than a baseball player on steroids!
My Free Internet Network Marketing Boot Camp will give you all of the secrets I used to become a successful Internet Network Marketer. It is the Exact Blueprint I used to turn my cash sucking train wreck MLM business, into a profitable, Internet Network Marketing Cash Cow.
I don't proclaim to be an Internet Network Marketing guru by any means...but I do recognize a Superior Internet Network Marketing business opportunity when it bops me on top of the head.
See you at the Top!
Check out this video of actor Kevin Spacey explaining the benefits of Network Marketing.
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