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Home Page > Internet > Internet Marketing > Network Marketing Career, Monsters in the Closet Categories AdvertisingArts & EntertainmentAutomotiveBeautyBusinessCareersComputersEducationFinanceFood and BeverageHealthHobbiesHome and FamilyHome ImprovementInternetLawMarketingNews and SocietyRelationshipsSelf ImprovementShoppingSpiritualitySports and FitnessTechnologyTravelWriting Network Marketing Career, Monsters in the Closet By: David Bouchez Posted: Sep 18, 2009
5 Concerns to Watch Out for in a Network Marketing Career
You may be thinking that a network marketing career is indeed the perfect career choice for you. And you may very well be right. This could be the career in which you find vast amounts of success and fulfillment.
If you haven't thought up the following concerns and questions, we can almost guarantee that someone you are close to will. These are common concerns that are often raised by family and friends of would-be Network Marketers.
#1: "You've got to be kidding me! You're going to do what?"
"You didn't get involved in one of those crazy pyramid schemes did you?"
"You'd better not ever try to recruit me!"
Often, someone's decision to begin a network marketing career is met with questions and statements like this. Well meaning friends and family members might react like this to the announcement of the new business decision. If you're just starting out in your network marketing career, these statements can be very frustrating and even discouraging.
Those questions stem from mis-understandings about the MLM business model, and skepticism about the industry in general.
Over the years, network marketing has developed a less than perfect reputation. However, the once tarnished industry is gaining in popularity and acceptance as a legitimate career. More and more people, who would have never in the past considered a network marketing career, are entering into this workforce.
Network Marketing is a powerful business model, not only for the distributor, but also for companies that adopt this structure. Many new and existing companies are implementing some or all of the features of network marketing. This business model provides a very cost effective means to distribute products and promote services. As companies search for ways to increase their bottom dollar, many are choosing this form of business model.
It's a win-w! in situa tion for the company and for the person that becomes involved in the business. Network Marketing is growing quiclky, even in this current economy.
#2: "You went to school and got a degree, and now you're going to do THAT?"
"You make a lot of money now! Why would you want to do THAT!"
"You are a doctor, lawyer, CEO …why would you take such a huge step down to do a career in network marketing?"
"Why would you ever want to be a…salesperson?"
If you're coming from a status-oriented career, or one where you did well financially, you might be challenged with these sorts of questions and statements. Your business associates may think you've lost your mind - leaving your prestigious profession for this "pipe dream".
In some social circles, title, rank, and status are important factors. Some people take great pride in working for a prestigious company, or having a title before or after their name. To these status oriented individuals, a network marketing career doesn't fit their idea of a true profession.
Realize though, that some of these professionals only make a moderate income-especially compared to those who enjoy a really successful network marketing career. It's entirely possible to be paid much more than what many of these prestigious careers pay!
Corporate executives, doctors, lawyers, business people from prestigious companies are getting involved in network marketing. Many are involved in the MLM industry to supplement their current income, and establish a retirement vehicle. Others walk away completely to pursue a full-time network marketing career.
Bottom line is this, if you are one of these professionals planning on following the network marketing path, you won't be alone. As King and Robinson sum up in their book The New Professional:
"As the security of the status jobs disappears and the frenetic, pressure-cooker lifestyles they bring lose their appeal, many upscale professionals who used to dismiss network marketing are taking a first or a fresh look. There are only so many times smart people can watch others build much happier, more rewarding lives before they conclude- why can't I do something like that?"
#3: "I'm not a salesperson. I don't know if I can do this."
Well….we'll cover that in just a minute. First, we're going to point out a few things you may not have thought about when considering your network marketing career.
Some of the most successful people in network marketing have not come from a background in sales. They don't use hard core sales techniques. They don't come across as your typical salesperson. People are more savy these days and don't appreciate a hard sell approach ! anyway.< br />
By its very name, network marketing means marketing through building of networks of people. Networks are built through relationships. How do you build relationships? You don't do it through hard core sales tactics. How many people end up good friends with their car salesman?
Relationships are built through caring about your clients and partners in your business. You will be successful as you help others build their businesses. This is one of the few industries that people get ahead by helping others get ahead.
So, you might be thinking that there must be some sales involved in this process. After all, you've got to get people into your organization. And you've also got to sell your product or service.
Yes, that is true. You have to talk to people, and approach them – even if the majority of your business is on-line, sometimes you'll need to call people on the phone - like in any other business.
What are the two beliefs that people who have successful network marketing careers have? These convictions go beyond any fancy sales spiel.
1. They have a passion for their product or service, and belief that they are representing a great company.
2. They see themselves as benefiting the lives of people that they share the product with.
Most people will see right through a fancy slick sales script.
Your sincerity, passion, enthusiasm and conviction are what will attract your prospects and customers to you.
Concern #4: "What about rejection?"
Yes, that happens. Even to the best of the best, even to the most successful of network marketers. People that you know may just not be interested in what you have to say. This is a fact of the business. But persistence and diligence will pay off. Keep on going and do not ever give up. And realize, that some of those rejections are only "no for now". Some of these people will change their mind as they see your persistence and beliefs that keep you ! going.
Concern #5: "I'd really like to have a career in network marketing , but I don't know if I have the time!"
Yes you do. If you really want to do it, you can carve out the time to start on a part time basis,
Most people will find the time to do something they really want to do. It may mean prioritizing your activities and looking at how you manage your time. A network marketing career is a perfect part-time business for those who already have full-time employment.
Even Robert Kyosaki urges
"I strongly recommend that all my employees look into network marketing as their own part-time businesses."
Network marketing provides both extra income and residual income for the part-time business owner, so it may be worth it to someone considering doing it, to make the necessary adjustments in their schedules.
Some people have started out their network marketing career on a part-time basis, as a "plan B"- just some extra income to add to their lifestyle. But with the downturn of the economy, and job losses, many "plan B's" have turned into plan "A's". And these people were very thankful that they had already put in the time to build a network marketing business, if only on a part-time basis. Many of these people have gone on to expand their P/T business into a F/T network marketing career, and will most likely not ever go back into the traditional work force again.
David Bouchez - About the Author:
Patricia Bouchez wrote Network Marketing Career, Monsters in the Closet to clear up much of the confusion surrounding Network Marketing today. To generate No Cost Traffic to Your Business and receive free video internet marketing training, drop by right now to gain access to the tools you need.
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