Thursday, March 13, 2025

What Is eMarketing For Websites?

by GAP089
What Is eMarketing For Websites?

Even as you are reading this article, there is already some new gadget, a new tool, a new way to do emarketing for websites. It IS hard to catch up with the ever-evolving online world.

For newbies, here are few things to get you started with your emarketing efforts.

If you already have a website and blog, good. While the website can remain safely the same most the time (some updates is highly recommended to reflect the changes in your company), you need someone to write up some stuff for your blog. This is part and parcel of your emarketing for website tactic.

The next step you will need to take, if you don't already have one, is to set up a Facebook page for your company. On this Facebook page, you update and share experiences, tips, advice, news and also press releases relating to your company, products or services. To get people to engage with your postings, cross market the page with twitter, email and your website/blog.

Cross marketing is something that most people don't include in whenever doing emarketing for their websites. All these accounts are not separate, you need to promote them together.

Even for an emarketing for website promotional strategy, please do not leave out offline marketing. You see, with online marketing, you are targeting people at large, people you don't know, have never seen before but is a potential customer (or competitor).

With offline marketing, you are promoting the website or blog to the people you actually see and KNOW for a fact that they are human beings who are capable of making decisions.

Another tactic you might want to include in your emarketing for website strategy is article marketing. Article marketing leverages on the popularity of other websites or blogs and brings them to YOUR website or blog. Another cross promotion, as you can very well see.

Emarketing is not difficult. All you need is a team of people with clear heads and directions who can come up with an incredible plan to bring your company's website or blog to the next level...and then onto the next.

Good luck!

Marsha Maung is a Malaysian-based freelance blog ghostwriter with two kids. She spends her time ferrying her kids around, watering her plants, writing web content, SEO stuff, ghostwriting books and also indulges in the occasional Facebook-ing. Visit her blog for more dirty details on the life and times of a mother, writer, designer, housekeeper, coffee-maker, poop-wiper, chef...and just about everything else under the sun


Vinny is a leading expert in online marketing with a significant record of success in Search Engine Marketing including Pay-Per-Click and Search Engine Optimisation. His approach of leveraging a blend of online advertising and natural search strategies to help his clients to the top of search engine results has earned him a reputation as an e-marketer that delivers results in an environment where the goalposts can move at an alarming rate. Vinny is a sought after eMarketing expert and speaker who serves on the advisory boards of both Yahoo and Commission Junction. Video Rating: 5 / 5


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