by newdavich
Interruptive marketing is when advertisers force their advertising on you, like through a TV or radio commercial. Don't use it to try and build your network marketing business.
If you're listening to your favorite radio station and out of nowhere an advertisement from some local car dealership that screams and shouts stupid, child like offers over, and over comes on, most of us quickly change stations to avoid hearing their rhetoric. We literally tune it out. It is not much different when building your network marketing business. People can "tune us out," too.
Here are 4 Key network marketing tips for preventing network marketing leads from tuning you out.
One: When you are calling your network marketing recruiting list, and they answer the phone, politely ask if they have a minute? If you "interrupt" them at the wrong time they will tune you out. That is not a good network marketing strategy. If you want to become a network marketer who is even moderately successful, you simply have to employ the simple network marketing strategy of asking if they have a minute.
Two: Radio people and car dealerships think we are stupid. One minute they tell us their cars will all be sold in the next 10 minutes. Next minute, it's such a fantastic offer that they will be open until midnight. When building your network marketing business we make those same mistakes. Your network marketing strategy like many MLM network marketing training gurus suggest is to call your network marketing leads with this months special. You tell your network marketing leads that this "special" ends on (fill in the blank) day. The next thing you know you are telling them about your network marketing program (2 weeks later) and your fantastic offer has been extended (again). They of course tune you out. Not exactly a good network marketing strategy, but it is done every hour of every day.
When building your network marketing business, forget the hype. Forget the special. Features tell. Benefits sell. When showing someone your network marketing program, tell your network marketing leads that you have the fastest left handed widget on the market (feature). Then tell your network marketing leads that because it is the fastest, they can then get their widget work done in less than half the time of any other widget (benefit). That is one sound network marketing strategy (feature) to better help you become a network marketer who earns a lot more money (feature).
Three: We are told that to build your network marketing business, it is a numbers game. You have to call hundreds of network marketing leads to find the "diamonds".
Just keep at it, that is the typical MLM network marketing training.
If it doesn't work after the first one hundred, shouldn't logic tell us that it "ain't gonna work" for the second hundred either? Old school mlm network marketing training teaches us that if 3 people start buying your left handed widget from you, instead of "Walleymart" or store X (and you being their family or friend) that they would rather buy from you. Now go find 3 network marketing leads who find 3 network marketing leads, who find 3 and convince them to do the same. It can't be any better than that. HA! That is NOT a good network marketing strategy either.
When building your network marketing business today, why not use a network marketing program using today's technology?
Unfortunately people are slow to keep up with the times. Time has passed most of them by and left them bleeding, dead or dying in the ditch and dead broke.
Four: Network marketing programs that use Automated Marketing Systems (feature) make more money in less time with more programs (benefit) than any other network marketing program out there. That is a great network marketing strategy for building your network marketing business.
Using Automated Marketing Systems to build your network marketing business is the best network marketing strategy to cash in big time with the social networks like facebook, youtube, twitter and others. Automated Marketing Systems allow you to monetize even more network marketing opportunities like funded proposal marketing and multiple streams of income.
If you're not achieving success building your network marketing business, follow these Four network marketing tips. Its time to build a solid foundation with a solid network marketing strategy. Network Marketing Success in the Information age is about implementing new and better ways of automated marketing (feature). It's not hard. In fact, it's quite simple and will, One: make your life a whole lot easier, and Two: Make you a lot more money (benefit) when you implement these automated systems as your network marketing strategy they can and will take you over the T O P (Total Ongoing Prosperity). Video Rating: 5 / 5
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