Having an email list is the life blood of internet marketing. If you are not having a good email list then you can not be successul in email marketing. But, if you are having a new website then it is very difficult that you can have an email list. Because people generally make email list using their website traffic or the visitors. They give the option to the visitor to subscribe for one thing or the other and in this way, visitor enters its email ID. But, here we are talking about a newly made website. If you have a new website then it means you are having no visitors. To get the visitors you need to tell people about your website and email marketing is the best way for this work. So, here I am discussing about some tools which can be used for the purpose of making an email list.
A lot of people use email extractor in order to collect email IDs. But, this is an old concept because email extractor collect every type of email IDs whether they are available on the websites, blog or from anywhere. It includes the email IDs of the companies, head offices, branch offices and are TOTALLY untargeted and unplanned. So, in these days, email extractors have lost their importance. Because you can not sell your goods like ebooks, money making ideas, templates etc. to the companies using the email list made by the email extractor.
So, how to make an email list within minutes? This is a revolutionary time in the internet marketing. A lot of products are available for the purpose of internet marketing. There are the tools with the help of which you can get a list of email IDs based on the common names of the people you want to target. These are not the email extractors but these are the email lists generators. These do not collect email IDs from the internet but generate email IDs with the help of common names of the people of the different countries you want to target. In my opinion Acute Email IDs Production Engine is the best program in that category. In these days, more and more email marketers are using that kind of products, because these email lists generators are too much successful.
Because you are using only the common names so there is no restrictions on the email IDs you can get in one day. If you are using only 10 names, then you can have 100000 email IDs using same names and alternating the settings.
You won't believe but I am making 0 Everyday using such kind of email lists generators. Yes! 0 Everyday. I use these email lists to add thousands of friends on Facebook and I offer them my products. This formula is so simple that even a noob can make HUGE amount by getting TONS of visitors to its website from Facebook using these email lists generators.
You may visit my site, if you are really interested to make money with Facebook to check how I do it. You will really find it amazing and the most simple one. Take Action!
Send an email to a list of users and their email addresses inside a MySQL database. Video Rating: 4 / 5
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