5 Free and Low-Cost Online Business Marketing Tips

5 Free and Low-Cost Online Business Marketing Tips

There are a number of free online business marketing tools that should be considered for your Online Business.  These free tools, combined with great Article submissions to the top-ranked Article Directories, will have you well on your way to building the worldwide web links that the Search Engines need and are looking for.  These methods, combined with the web surfer's keywords, will be the winning combination to kickstart your Online Business.  Here are 5 points to consider for your next Business Marketing Plan:

1)                  Submit Your Website to Google for Search Engine Indexing:  Do you know how long it would take Google to find an internet Surfer's question if the entire worldwide web's sites were searched regardless of content?  Literally hours!  The Search Engine's secret to finding answers in a only a few seconds is Indexing your information and Ranking your website—so submit your website directly to Google, Yahoo and others (DMOZ, Web World Index, and Joe Ant). Don't overdo it—website submissions should be spaced allowing the Directories to categorize your website in the best way possible for you and your customers. 

2)                  Submitting Great Articles to the Top-Ranking Article Directories: Use your expertise and good research skills to accurately present solid answers to the questions folks are asking.  Search the words "free keyword tool" and use, but don't overuse, the popular word strings that will be displayed. Don't destroy the structure of your well-written Article by overusing those keywords and remember that the keywords at the top of the list allow you little chance of ending up on your internet surfer's Page Results. Choose a longer keyword string that's a little lower on that list to narrow the odds that your website will be chosen.  Also, sign up for a Twitter account (you'll want to connect this to your website URL).  When Tweeting use all the great online business tips that you come across in your worldwide web travels as you discover them.  Your Tweets will be a good reference for writing your future Articles.

3)                  Article Directories Offer Free Advertising (once your Article is accepted):  Once you've submitted your Articles to the top-ranked Directories (on an on-going basis) you'll find the high-ranking directories (E-Zines, GoArticles and others) will offer you free (and low-cost) marketing offers.  These will enhance your website's visibility by adding the links to your website that it needs.  Some of the language these Article Directories use might be unfamiliar but don't be discouraged.  As you use the services you'll begin to see how and why they work so well.  Try the free Google Analytics Tools to see when folks are accessing your website and how your marketing techniques are doing.

4)                  How is Your Website Ranking on the Worldwide Web:  Your website's www Ranking is important to gain customer website traffic and your Ranking won't improve with single actions but in tandem with all of these, and other, traffic recommendations.  These efforts create a web of activity to and from your website so search engines can recognize that your website is accessible and ready for business.  The top Article Directories are ranked higher on the web and they allow you to "borrow" a bit of their good web ranking through your published Article on their Directory.  To see a bit more on how website Ranking works search the words "website Ranking".

5)                  Free Web Design Templates:  There are free website templates available on the internet that you may take advantage of once you've purchased a good URL through a popular website broker (GoDaddy is one example).  Although it's not free, I like Intuit for a low-cost website template (initially).  It's easy to use, the websites look great, and when you're ready to upscale your operation, it's readily available.  There are free website templates available on the web and there is also is a free program that will allow you to design your own website but Intuit, I found, is the most convenient.

The online business world is waiting for you but to make your new website recognizable to the worldwide web's search engines you'll want to consider some of these recommendations.  You'll find that the "whole is greater than the sum of its parts" in creating links to and from your website when all these suggestions are used together.  By actively pursuing these free and low-cost tips you may find this could be your ticket to creating greater online internet business sales on a shoe-string budget.    For more helpful and free information see http://www.raemarch.com .


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