When looking for articles about using social media as a marketing tool you should search through the different article publishing websites, but in my opinion you will find you best articles here on articles base, or ezinearticles, as they really watch the quality of the articles being published on there websites!
There are many ways you can market online and social media is one of the best way to stay in constant contact with your potential customers, so below I will include a few tips on articles about using social media as a marketing tool.
Friends list - once you build a friends list on facebook or twitter its very important not to send out links trying to sell them things, this will hurt you more than help you, so instead send them different hot tips they can use, and after a while they will ask you what your doing in your business, and that's when you tell them what your doing. Just be sure and leave out any hype. Also when sending them messages its important you are wording things right. For example in stead of saying I found this awesome tool today you should check out, you should say this instead: I found this awesome tool that is really helping me in my business and I thought I would share it here with you as well. This way they know you actually have a business!Fan pages - its a great idea to have a fan page as it will give you more credibility on facebook, also once you have a fan page its a good idea to put credible tips there as well, so when others view it they are more likely to "like" you page and they will be notified every time you post something new on your page.
Facebook notes - when writing articles about using social media as a marketing tool in facebook you can tag people in your different notes. This will not only make them feel good to see there name on your page, but they will also get a email letting them know you have just tagged them in a note, then most likely they will go and read your note. Your note could be something as simple as articles about using social media as a marketing tool or just telling them something really neat! Just be sure its credible information.
below you will be able to view a video on how to add a contact form to your facebook page but as you can see marketing with social media is quite exciting, and I encourage you to continue exploring with it as you will be amazed at the results you will get if you use the tool wisely and with diligence!
You can view Nathan wright's website here.
Or you can click on articles about using social media as a marketing tool to view a video showing you how to place a contact form in your facebook page!
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