Even if you are an experienced article marketer I really doubt that you are applying this great article marketing strategy in your daily article promotion campaigns. So read on to find out my top secret of getting fast profit from each and every article I write and publish online.
So Here Is My Revealed Big Secret For Getting Fast Profit from Articles:
The trick is very simple: Quantity! If you want to beat your competitors on certain niche with only article marketing then you have to write and publish at least 10 articles a day, 7 days a week. No I seldom hire writers when I'm too busy with my other projects. In general, I always write all content on my own. Why? – Because I save money and time at a time. I hate when I have to edit or rewrite the writers' work to get what I need exactly.
My Great Article Marketing Strategy that Can Earn You Hundreds Dollars A Day:
I try to write 10-20 articles a day on average. How can I do that? I'm using special software called Instant Article Wizard which minimizes the time I spend for research and as a result, I'm able to produce a quality 260-300 word article even on a topic I know nothing within only 5-7 minutes.
My second little secret is that I always follow certain article format to save my time: introduction, body and conclusion. Just pay attention to the article you are reading now and you will understand what I mean.
Make a weekly article marketing plan and start applying my great article marketing strategy on a daily basis. Only in this case, you can earn fast profit from your articles.
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