How to use social media for marketing

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How to use social media for marketing


The world of marketing communication is enhancing immensely thanks to great social media devices such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Hubpages, and Squidoo. Billions of people all across the world are communicating to each other and subconsciously advertising for companies and businesses. If I am looking for a product I am most likely going to post something on Facebook or Twitter and get the opinions of people I trust. This allows them to advertise for the company as well as for me to advertise for it when my friends see and read my post. Word of mouth is the fastest and best way to get a product or company out there, and with social media, marketing becomes easy.

Here are some useful steps guaranteed to get the word out there and use social media for marketing more than twice as fast as it would simply using SEOs:

Begin your marketing by setting up a few pages on social media properties like Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, Weebly, Tumblr and HubPages. These become topically related pumper sites to drive additional traffic and links to your mini site.

Construct social bookmarking on accounts like: Delicious, StumbleUpon, BizSugar, Yahoo My Web, Faves, Simpy and Google Bookmarks. These are used to link and promote any page where you leave comments. They tie you to other forms of communicating spreading your range of voice out farther than just social hosting sites.

Create a topical conversation about the brand, then "listen" to the responses. Learn from these posts to develop a clearer understanding of what people are interested in, what is relevant to them, and what motivates them to gravitate towards particular products and services. By doing this you will truly capture the interests of the people and create something that no one is going to say "no" to.


Engage the audience in an honest discussion about what they need and how the brand fulfills that need. Do not push the audience towards your product, but instead try to PULL them into you. Create a dialogue that makes them search for the product. Make them come to you.


Entice the reader with such discussions that what you have found is what they need.


Provide actual facts and examples, and you will be rewarded. Tell a relevant story that is happening now. Inform and educate the audience. Encourage them to add commentary to the narrative. Respond quickly and efficiently. Embrace "user generated content" and customers will welcome your brand.


Using social media for marketing is simple; all you need to do is communicate on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, HubPages, Squidoo, and even Myspace, with those friends, and acquaintances that trust you. If you put an idea out there, millions of people will hear about it and if you strategize well enough, millions of people will be pulled toward you and your brand. Word of mouth is the best way to get what you want to the point that you want it to be at.


Remember these verbs to begin: construct, create, engage, entice, provide, inform, encourage, respond and finally embrace the amazing marketing future that will come from them simply by using social media for marketing.



Building your First Email Marketing Campaign

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Building your First Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is a cost-effective and highly sophisticated communication tool, able to send thousands of messages globally, within seconds. With the click of a mouse, marketers can modify and tailor their campaign messages to many targeted audiences, based on their preferences, interests, and purchase history.

Choosing the Right Email Marketing Campaign Software

With the right email software campaign, you can easily manage your email campaigns from start to finish. Email campaign software enables you to:

· Choose from thousands of professionally developed corporate email templates
· Track your campaigns in real time
· Set up a multitude of autoresponders for different purposes and time intervals
· Launch A/B Split Testing with report comparisons
· Supervise bounce management
· Create segmented demographics and email lists
· Automatically integrate social media marketing in every email marketing campaign

What are your Objectives and Goals?

Create an email template with a design that reflects your corporate brand image: With template designs, you will have hundreds of templates to choose from, pre-optimized and ready to send. Write content that is sharp and precise, with a distinct and clearly defined call to action. However, before you execute your first campaign, you need to decide what your primary focus and message will be. What are you trying to accomplish with this campaign? Are you creating more website traffic, or announcing a new product or service? Do you want to get more feedback from your clients and prospects? Knowing your objectives will help you strengthen the right messages reflecting those goals.

Building your Email Mailing Lists

Very few prospects will give out their email addresses without getting something in return. Make it worth their while:

1. Offer a free e-report, a free software! downloa d, or online course on a subject of interest.
2. Have a promotional sale on your website asking for the email address to enter the contest, making sure it is a double opt-in.
3. Upgrading a new product or discontinuing an old one – how about a closeout sale?
4. Add a contact information form on your website requiring their email, name, and phone number.
5. Hit the road. Go to networking events in your market niche and collect business cards.

Recording and Measuring the Results

You cannot measure what you do not monitor. Tracking live campaigns is the most accurate way to test their effectiveness. When you send out a campaign using email software, you will receive the following metric reports:

· A/B split testing and report comparisons
· Google analytics integration
· # of click-throughs
· # of bounces
· # of undeliverables
· # of opt-ins/# of opt-outs
· # of conversions
· # of unsubscribes

Tracking email campaigns gives the marketer the advantage to adjust, adapt, and change their email marketing campaigns "on the fly," as they monitor behavioral patterns in their clients and prospects.

The ultimate goal of every email marketing campaign is to increase a company's revenue. Reaching these goal means, you need to employ an MLM mix, which uses all the marketing techniques needed when reaching your target audience. Creating campaigns that accurately hit the mark you are targeting are the result of a marketer who is wisely optimizing their demographics and campaign stats to their greatest advantage.

In today's highly competitive global market, no stone should go unturned; every creative idea and strategy counts. Providing good customer service, accompanied by a valuable product, gives the marketer the edge they are looking for, when standing out and being noticed.

Learn Email Marketing Secrets via this presentation. What is the biggest mistake marketers make? Learn more at What is important about the subject line? Find it all in this video. Video Rating: 4 / 5


Email newsletter services: The perks and pitfalls of converting to Digital

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Email newsletter services: The perks and pitfalls of converting to Digital

Social networks, blogging, search engine optimization and the host of online management tools available to the average user have become indispensable in the modern marketing arsenal. But at the core of digital syndication, email newsletters and email newsletter services are the driving force behind any professional campaign.

Catalysed by email newsletters, subscribers are organically driven to your website from their inbox, which will raise your page rank regardless of how search engines interpret keyword relevance, fiddle with their mystical algorithms or display page results. Unlike customary print newsletters that can lay unchecked, at the bottom of your clients' home or office mailbox for eternity, email newsletters has brought age-old advertising into the 21st century and the realm of targeted, measurable multimedia. Subscribers can be managed by automation and deliveries tracked. With the vast array of email newsletter templates available it is relatively easy to produce exceptional design aesthetics, implement email newsletters as a standard feature on your home page, share them on networks or integrate them with virtually any web services you may already be using.

Current email newsletter services and email marketing software packages are stocked with all the sundry utilities that enable you to create and send professional newsletters that drive traffic and build user participation, as well as sales.

Due to the astronomical bulk of malicious emails that are sent out daily to unsuspecting users worldwide, marketers are sometimes reluctant to consider orienting the staple strategy for their organization to include email newsletter marketing solutions. Given this unfortunate and explosive trend of abusive email marketing practices, unless you are operating through a service provider that has been categorically white-listed by major ISPs, one constantly straddles the line between having your email newsletters actually delivered or mar! ked as S PAM, banished from cyberspace forever.

Navigating the unique sets of rules and technicalities that determine your ability to pass through various ISP filters is a somewhat convoluted and abstract science that home users and business people can hardly be expected to master and monitor meticulously. Therefore legitimate email newsletter services work in conjunction with ISPs and are white-listed to run commercial email marketing programs, which means that your message is reliably unhindered in reaching your customers.

Blacklists on the other hand are lists of senders whose emails are normally blocked and should absolutely be avoided. Ensuring that your IP address stays free of this dreaded stigma is something that you do not want to leave to chance. Publishing crafty email newsletters containing content that provides real value to users can be simple, but ultimately, blasting off masses of bulk media will inevitably pulverise your IP address' reputation.

Cover your bases when hunting for an email newsletter service by carefully examining their own security policies, opt-in features and white-list credentials. This, coupled with scrutinizing criteria such as feature sets, ease of use, creative license, campaign reporting and all round support is vital to capitalizing on communication.


Social Media Presence - For any person who runs a Joomla Website the present is a must have extension

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Social Media Presence - For any person who runs a Joomla Website the present is a must have extension

Joomla Extensions - Social Media Profiles

For anybody at all who runs a Joomla Webpage the indicated is a must have module.

This component will accord your guests or members to link straightly to all of your social media profile pages. Remarkably straightforward to configure and install.

As freshly as only 2-3 years ago, profoundly few business owners took much of an advantage in becoming part of the increasing number of social media or online institution communities that have exploded across the world wide web in recent years. Today yet, nearly all if not all company leaders, from the very smallest sole proprietorship to the profoundly biggest firm are aware of the fact that the Web is hastily becoming the average consumer's primary resource in discovering and selecting the party they finally choose to do company with.

The number of competent user groups on webpages like Facebook and LinkedIn has grown more than 10 fold or over 1000% over the past two years. dismissing this leaning as pure fancy would be an irresponsible procedure for any shrewd company owner or marketing executive.

Connect to up to 65 of the top social media profile pages!

Social Media Presence - This Joomla v 1.5 custom component allows you to provide a link to 65 different social media profile pages for your members or guests. The number of competent user groups on websites like Facebook and LinkedIn has grown more than 10 fold or over 1000% over the past two years. Rejecting this trend as pure fancy would be an irresponsible maneuver for any savvy business owner or marketing manager. If you have a webpage for your firm you should be taking advantage of the social media networks. This extension has 65 social media icons for your profile pages.

This simple component will display Web 2.0 style icons that link to your social media profiles.

Features include:

> 65 Web 2.0 style icons 5 various icon sizes: 60px, 48px, 32px, 24p! x, and 1 6px.

> choice to allow links to open in a new browser window.

> Choice to include the rel="nofollow" link attribute.

> Change hover text for mouseover for "Follow us on..."

This extension is FREE to use at your disposal.

To get started just download and install the component via your joomla installer. Then modify the parameters in the module manager. Add your social media profile URLs. Any URL fields left empty simply won't display that icon link.


Reverse Marketing Definition

5 nhận xét
Reverse Marketing Definition

You hear a lot about Reverse Marketing these days both positive and negative.

Being that it is a very valid form of both marketing and lead generation, I figured I would shed some light on it to give you a better understanding.

First of all, I have found that most people I've spoken with who have anything negative to say about Reverse Marketing really do not understand what it is or how it works.

Reverse Marketing, by definition, is when a sales person or a recruiter contacts a potential prospect through the contact information in his or her existing advertising.

For example...someone selling advertising might browse through advertisements in competing magazines and call the business owners who placed those ads to sell them more advertising in his own magazine. This is a very common approach to prospecting used by many "main stream" companies to gather fresh prospects...and it can work for you too. In fact, it works so well, that it is responsible for more than 90% of my own prospecting efforts in network marketing and direct sales.

How would you like to be able to generate more qualified leads than you can ever contact without having to spend a dime in advertising?

How would you like to completely eliminate your advertising budget all together?

How would you like to never have to buy leads again?

The leads you will generate through reverse marketing are better, more qualified, and more responsive than any lead you will ever purchase.

Who would you like to have in your downline?

People who are just "looking"?

Curiosity seekers? Or do you want people who are action-oriented individuals and who are truly serious about building a business?

If you answered the latter, then reverse marketing is a must for you to learn and master.

Reverse marketing is very easy to learn how to do. In fact, with only three simple questions you can get just about any serious business! person interested in what you have to say!

If I can show you how to get better and faster results with your business while spending less time and money building it, would you be interested in knowing how to do that?

If I can show you how to generate more leads than you can ever call without spending a dime, would that be of interest to you?

If you had the opportunity to learn how to build your business from one of the most successful marketing experts on the planet, would you pass that up?

There is nothing "under handed" or "unethical" about reverse marketing either. People who would say that or allude to that have never used it properly and have never truly understood how it works.

For example, if you are building a business and I call you through one of your ads and ask you if you would be interested in knowing how to generate more leads for your business than you could ever talk to without spending a dime, you would be interested to speak with know you would...and so would every other truly serious business person out there.

You are simply finding your customers in a targeted manner. The best way to find people who are action oriented business people is to contact people who are currently taking action. People who are advertising and promoting their products and opportunities are definitely action oriented people...the kind of people you want to talk to.

People call me on the phone ever day through my ads to tell me about their advertising products, opportunities...etc. I don't get upset with them and hang up. I ask them what they have to offer and use that opportunity to create a new business relationship. Then I show them what I have to offer that can assist them in building that business.

I've coached people for years in the area of network marketing and direct sales. One for one I help them save money by generating their own leads through reverse marketing and make more money because the leads they do generate are better a! nd more responsive than the ones they purchase or advertise for.

Gary Danko - President
Global Leadership University
Phone: 1 (813) 579-5443

WAAM - Marketing Definition We're All About Marketing! Video Rating: 4 / 5


Social Media Branding – Why For You

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Social Media Branding – Why For You

A brand is a center stone for a company. Building a brand required a balance marketing efforts across various channels. As days are passing there are sign of new beginning of an era. In which opportunities are countless for businessman, companies, organization & etc to establish or mark their name & build a reputation of them.

Now a day's Social Media Branding become a very useful & great tool for the building of brand.Social Media branding help you get high quality traffic from social media websites. It's provides the opportunity to reach your target audience in a more effective and creative manner than ever before.

Role of Social Media's in Branding

Right from the early age we humans have an ability or I say (if u agree with me) a quality to get socialized through which we are able to solve our lot of problems. Still now a day if we have any problem we tries to socialized, by meeting with our family member, friends or other people, who in their life once have face or successfully tackle that problem. So the term of socializing is not new for us. So if I say branding through social media it doesn't seem something out of the world or new to us. To support my words I will take you back to the past.

"Few years back marketers just push their messages, what they want to say, about brand to consumers. (by just showing commercial adds etc) "

As people are getting more information & knowledge companies are more keen what consumers are discussing & saying about it. Social Media had a strong impact about public opinion & what they are expressing about the brand & products. So if I give thank to social media as they switch the control; as now consumers are driving the opinion about the brands not the marketers. I can support these words by giving you an example which my good friend (I will not tell u his/her name) uses to give me during our schools days;

"if u saw shaving trimmer add & its said that its easy to use, give good shave, having long lasting battery etc., you won't buy that product at first place just showing that add even its market price is very low. But if any of your family member or friends gives good comments about that product you just purchase it without any problem. That is called Social Branding."

For companies social media is important b/c it provides a way to get out there and get noticed. It's an opportunity to go where the consumers are and create a presence and through social branding marketers now engaging with the potential users and involved in the conversations which are taking place about their brand or products. Instead of forcing yourself to your consumer social media gives you opportunity to hang out with them.

Social media however allows you to brand yourself long before anyone becomes your customer. In social media branding you are not the ad on the wall you are the guy telling stories about your brand which your audience finds fascinating and distribute it in its social circle. So don't be afraid to participate in social media just because you don't see the result quickly. But as the time passes you build your social reputation which leads you to credibility. And over time that credibility and awareness will very likely lead to an increase in your customer base.

As a dawn of social media is begun and companies have lot of expectation to get good results form social branding! 1 Social Media eagerly expects the challenges of social branding and has a commitment to fulfill your expectation.


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